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Clinic Spotlight – James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center
In 2014, a forward-thinking team launched a pilot project to provide specialized care for veterans with ALS at the James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Bronx VA). Dr. Marinella Galea, Chief of Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders, Director of the ALS Clinic, and Co-Director of the MS Regional Center, recognized a unique opportunity for collaboration. She envisioned an ambitious plan: to create a healthcare model that integrated palliative, neurological, rehabilitation, and primary care services for both outpatients and inpatients.
Because veterans are twice as likely to develop ALS compared to non-veterans, and the military considers ALS a service-connected disease, the Bronx VA was seen as an ideal location for this new ALS clinic. Dr. Galea developed a detailed proposal, educating leadership on ALS’s relentless progression and the profound impact such a clinic could have on veterans’ lives.
A critical step before launching the clinic was a visit to Chelsea, MA, to tour the Steve Saling Residence—a fully automated, ventilator-ready facility where individuals with severe disabilities can maximize independence and productivity. This visit was transformative. A few months later, the team opened a weekly interdisciplinary clinic, which eventually expanded to include acute inpatient care, caregiver support groups, hands-on training, educational conferences, and research initiatives. The multidisciplinary clinic was designated as a Certified Treatment Center of Excellence in 2021. Dr. Galea takes pride in the dedicated, enthusiastic team that works tirelessly to provide the highest quality care to veterans with ALS
ALS United Greater New York is thankful for the longstanding commitment that the Bronx VA’s ALS Center and our organization have had together providing excellent care and supportive services to people with ALS in the community and beyond.