News & Stories

TLC: Talk. Learn. Connect.

ALS United Greater New York launched a new program called Talk. Learn. Connect. in July. This program offers a variety of speakers to increase one’s knowledge about community resources and effective strategies for living with the disease. These programs are available several times a month over Zoom and have resulted in increased visibility and attendance. One of the most popular programs offered so far was Adaptive Clothing, which focused on articles of clothing, that are easy to manipulate, remove, or put on. A special aspect was viewing some videos from a recent Adaptive Clothing Fashion Show which was held at the Bronx VA.

Another very popular presentation was Travel Tips which focused on all aspects of travel for the disability community like air, car, hotels, and cruises. Coming up in October is Assistive Technology. TLC offerings are in addition to ongoing support groups, which continue to offer safe, confidential spaces for those living with ALS and their loved ones to come together and connect through sharing and mutual support. These groups are facilitated by our regional care Coordinators. Click here for monthly schedules.

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